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Pre Company for our mini dancers!

Two little girls in tutu rehearsing in c
Image by Kazuo ota

Primas is a mini team designed for pre ballet, tap, and jazz dancers still new to dance, but looking for more chances to perform! 

The Primas team will attend various fairs and events alongside RTDC and are just as full members as the Elites. RTDC designed a pre company so younger and newer dancers, and their families, have a chance to be introduced to the world of competitive dance and performing. 

The Primas team is designed for dancers ages 5-8 years old. Dancers on the Primas team will only attend up to three competitions and only compete in duos, trios, or groups. 

In addition to competitions the Primas team will be included in community based performances such as; Winter Wonderland, Halloween Fest, 4th of July parades and more. 

*Please note this season is a little different for community based performances.*


Dancers must be registered in one pre ballet or combo class.

Dancers must be available to attend weekly 45 minute Saturday rehearsals.

Dancers must attend one regional and one national competition with the team.

Come join our dance family at the stage and experience wonderful performances while making friends to last a lifetime! 

2021-22 Season Auditions Saturday August 28th!

Funny little ballet dancers.jpg
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